Merde Happens
Par lez'Arts - Lien permanent
I had just heard the scariest words in the English language. […] It was
What do you want to do with your life?
When someone asks this, I usually feign sudden deafness or an attack of the runs. But when it’s your girlfriend who says it, you can’t ignore her.[…]-It’s great being in Paris with you, Paul, but right now I’m getting a bit …She trailed off.-A bit what ?-Bored.
I got the message. It was caveman time. I had to go out and brain a mammoth to prove I was a real male. Even the most feminist women get like that occasionally.
Stephen Clarke. Merde Happens.
N'étaient les vilaines vibrations que ce passage semble te renvoyer, j'éclaterais de rire. Depuis le temps que ce bouquin me fait des clins d'oeil dans les gares et les aéroports, je crois que je vais finir par l'acheter (ou mieux : te le piquer).
Tu peux. c'est parfois facile, mais toujours drôle.
Très joli, ton nouveau pseudo.